Transylvanian Furniture Cluster
Transylvanian Furniture Cluster was established in 2012 at the initiative of several legal entities, through their association, to support the furniture industry in its quest for competitiveness, both on the national and international market. Besides the validation from more than 80 current members (mostly SMEs), the management team of the cluster is Gold Label certified by ESCA – European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis. Transylvanian Furniture Cluster is a founding member of the Northern Transylvania Clusters Consortium, is part of the Clusters Association in Romania – CLUSTERO and is active in multiple national and international networks and platforms, such as ECCP – European Cluster Collaboration Platform and FWCP – The Furniture and Woodworking Cluster partnership.
For the members of the cluster TFC provides activities such as:
- Access and shared use for research-development-innovation infrastructures;
- Involvement in research-development-innovation projects, with a focus on developing products or services;
- Participation to economic missions, specialized fairs or matchmaking events;
- Participation to programmes, courses and training for the development of professional competences.
The most ambitious goal of TFC is the construction of Center of Excellence for Furniture, that will host laboratories on 4,000 sqm. The investment is estimated at 8 mln Euro and due to start 2023.