Wood Industry Cluster
The Wood Industry Cluster, Slovenia (WIC) is a non-profit private association that was founded in 1999 by woodworking companies, along with state institutions. Today the WIC is comprised of 90 companies and institutions including Slovenian wood processors and producers of furniture (about one third of the Slovenian wood sector). The staff of the WIC office has more than 30 years of experience, especially in the field of clustering, networking, development, project coordination and management, participation in EU projects, transfer of knowledge, as well as in training and internationalisation.
WIC is involved in the implementation of the Smart Specialisation strategy (S4) in the Republic of Slovenia, through the cross-sectorial Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership in the field of Smart buildings and homes, including wood value chain (SRIP). WIC is also a founding member of Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia, RC31 – Development centre of creative furniture industry and international Furniture and Woodworking Cluster Partnership (FWCP). In addition, WIC is managing the Competence Center for Human Resources Development in the Slovenian wood sector and is included in the ECCP Toward Green Transition Facility program, intended to support SMEs in the implementation of the circular economy.
Our cluster also carries out internationalization activities; online b2b, business delegations, showrooms, collective stands on the fairs, export catalogue, exchange of business opportunities / offers / demands, study visits. Our main focus is on the EU, UK and US but also Canada and Egypt markets.