Establishing Representation in Europe through Furniture Go International Hubs

  The European furniture industry is looking beyond its borders to support export activities and collaborate with third countries partners from South Africa, Egypt, USA, and Canada. In the context of the Furniture Go International project, an initiative to establish a representation in Europe for hosting international delegations arose. With these hubs, we want to […]

EU-Africa Business Forum – 14-18 February

The EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF) takes place every three years back to back with the EU-AU Summit. It is co-organised by the European Union (EU), the African Union Commission (AUC), together with African and EU business organisations. It is a main event of public-private dialogue between the EU and Africa at continental level and aims at increasing opportunities of sustainable economic cooperation.

It brings together African and EU business leaders and political decision-makers to discuss how to improve the investment climate and increase economic partnership opportunities.

Furniture Go International – KICK OFF MEETING

Furniture and interior design clusters from 6 European countries work together for 3 years to support manufacturers reach new markets! SME’s from Romania, Spain, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Sweeden and Bulgaria will be encouraged to create business opportunities in USA, Canada, South Africa and Egypt. We invite you to get involved in starting FGOI project and […]