Press release on the establishment of the “GO Furniture” META-CLUSTER

A new opportunity for collaboration in the European furniture sector has been officially launched with the establishment of the “GO Furniture” META-CLUSTER, a strategic alliance between eight leading furniture and wood industry clusters from across Europe. GO Furniture aims to drive innovation, sustainability, and international expansion while supporting European SMEs in the furniture industry. GO […]
How the Digital Product Passport Will Transform EU Businesses within the Furniture Industry

Starting July 18, 2024, the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) came into effect. This regulation is a key part of the EU’s strategy to make products more environmentally friendly and promote circularity. Products and their usage can greatly impact the environment. In the EU, consumption is a major contributor to climate change and […]
Support to Ukraine from EISMEA (European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency) and EU

The Russian invasion and the subsequent outbreak of military hostilities in Ukraine has sent shock waves throughout the international community. The European Commission (DG GROW and EISMEA) invites all to contribute mitigating the adverse effects for European citizens and businesses and supporting Ukrainian people and businesses. Several concrete initiatives in this sense have been launched […]
(RO) Proiectul Furniture Go International a fost prezentat firmelor de mobilier din 6 țări

Aproape 70 de companii europene au participat la primul eveniment public al proiectului Furniture Go International (FGOI), care le va permite să ajungă pe noi piețe precum Statele Unite, Canada, Egipt și Africa de Sud. Cunoașterea și înțelegerea clientului din altă țară și a nevoilor pieței constituie principala provocare pentru succesul acestui proiect și pentru […]
Furniture Go International unveiled to 70 companies

Nearly 70 European companies participated in the first public meeting of the Furniture Go International (FGOI) project which will enable them to reach new markets such as the United States, Canada, Egypt and South Africa. Understanding the final client and market needs was identified as the main challenge for the success of this project and […]
(SL) Furniture Go International: vzpostavljanje zavezništev, odpiranje tujih trgov

Projekt, ki ga vodi osem evropskih grozdov in financira Evropska komisija, bo s sodelovanjem in inovacijami pomagal MSP doseči nove trge. V okviru projekta bo vzpostavljeno evropsko strateško partnerstvo grozdov za okrepitev sodelovanja na področju pohištva in sorodnih industrij znotraj EU in s štirimi tretjimi državami, in sicer z ZDA, Kanado, Egiptom in Južno Afriko. […]
(CZ) Furniture Go International: vytváření aliancí, otevírání trhů

Projekt řízený osmi evropskými klastry a financovaný Evropskou Komisí pomůže malým a středním podnikům dosáhnout nových trhů prostřednictvím spolupráce a inovací. Díky projektu vznikne nové Evropské Strategické Partnerství Klastrů (European Strategic Cluster Partnership) s cílem posílit spolupráci v oblasti nábytkářství a souvisejících průmyslových odvětví v rámci EU a také směrem k vybraným třetím zemím: USA, […]
Furniture Go International: building alliances, opening markets

The project, driven by eight European clusters and funded by the European Commission, will help SMEs to reach new markets through collaboration and innovation. The project will establish a European Strategic Cluster Partnership to intensify cooperation in furniture and related industries, within EU and towards four third countries, namely USA, Canada, Egypt, and South Africa. […]
(RO) Furniture Go International: creare de alianțe, deschiderea piețelor

Proiectul, implementat de opt clustere europene și finanțat de Comisia Europeană, va ajuta IMM-urile producătoare să ajungă cu produsele și serviciile lor în țări din afara Uniunii Europene. La bază stă un parteneriat strategic între clustere care reprezintă firme producătoare cu scopul de a intensifica cooperarea în industria mobilei și a industriilor conexe din cadrul […]