Establishing Representation in Europe through Furniture Go International Hubs

  The European furniture industry is looking beyond its borders to support export activities and collaborate with third countries partners from South Africa, Egypt, USA, and Canada. In the context of the Furniture Go International project, an initiative to establish a representation in Europe for hosting international delegations arose. With these hubs, we want to […]

FGOI webinar – Demand for market analysis and export efforts is increasing!

Demand for market analyzes for exports and business in new markets for furniture and interior design is increasing and therefore we are starting a series of webinars to spread knowledge about the overseas markets: Egypt, South Africa, Canada and the USA. The EU Furniture GO International project for the wood, furniture and interior design industry has conducted 4 comprehensive market analyzes for the markets in Egypt, South Africa, Canada and the USA and is ready to share the insights.

EU-Africa Business Forum – 14-18 February

The EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF) takes place every three years back to back with the EU-AU Summit. It is co-organised by the European Union (EU), the African Union Commission (AUC), together with African and EU business organisations. It is a main event of public-private dialogue between the EU and Africa at continental level and aims at increasing opportunities of sustainable economic cooperation.

It brings together African and EU business leaders and political decision-makers to discuss how to improve the investment climate and increase economic partnership opportunities.

Expomebel – international exhibition for furniture, interior textile and home accessories

EXPOMEBEL is a specialized exhibition for all kinds of furniture and interior textile, a meeting forum to generate new ideas in interior design, interior architecture and furniture. The exhibition aims to bring together different styles, classic and contemporary furniture. To create a variety of opportunities helping the customer find answers or make a choice among the selection of leading Bulgarian producers and representatives of foreign brands.

World Furniture Outlook Seminar 2021

CSIL is constantly monitoring and studying these topics and is pleased to share the results of its research activity with sector experts with a forward looking approach. CSIL webinar is a unique occasion to be updated on the latest findings of CSIL market research on the global furniture market, its recent development and the forecasted trends.